Notify the schedule and dates of various stages connected with the examinations (Examination Calendar).
Fixing the Time Table for the conduct of the examinations
Question paper setting as per syllabi and model question papers decided by the Boards of Studies.
Moderation of question papers to rectify mistakes, if any.
Printing of Question Papers.
Procurement of stationery, equipment and all the articles necessary for the conduct of examinations.
Supply of examination applications to the candidates.
Processing of Examination Applications and preparation of Hall Tickets.
Printing of subject wise OMR sheets and D-forms.
Preparation of semester wise nominal rolls.
Preparation of room plans and photo identity sheets.
Issuing of Answer scripts one day before the each examination.
Distribution of the question papers directly to the Assistant Examiners/Invigilators in the room five minutes before the commencement of the examinations.
Receiving of Answer scripts as per the D-form supplied to the Examination Committee.
Coding of the answer scripts on the same day of the examination and bundling the scripts.
Undertaking valuation of answer scripts.
Scrutiny of Answer scripts.
Computerizing the marks with bar code reader/bubble reader.
Processing and verification of marks with register.
Release of results through Online.
Printing and distribution of marks memos.
Revaluation of Answer Scripts.
Preparation of Consolidated Marks Memoranda cum Provisional Pass Certificates.
Submission of all data and marks to the University for the award of Original Degrees by the University.
Maintenance of Tabulated Marks Register (TR’s) and Degree Registers.
Maintenance of up to date records of marks.
Maintenance of cash book and accounts of the Examination Cell.